Wednesday, January 6, 2016



How long has your illness endured?
Thought for sure that you were cured
but the limits haven’t been tested,
or even reached yet. 

Falsely pushing forward
to force the mind to forget
but the heart would regret that loss.
Tossed most of the thoughts away
like leaves swept into the bay
but today is as long as ever.
The strongest weather ensues
and the clues will surface.
Time will draw you in
regardless of your purpose
So think fast
if you truly wish to look past
before you blink.

To sink in feels so good.
Inhaled the aroma.
Seduction stinking somewhat sullen yet savory
thick as gravy
and as cumbersome as thighs.
You loosen with eye contact.
I've contacted you daily since the visit
but no words exchange.
No verbiage in range
Which is honestly a rarity.
The charity of the absent mind
to fall behind
what was a recent occurrence
looks to challenge the endurance
of the heart that will never accept regret. 

Are you cured yet?
Tried the sedatives? 

Habits repetitive
we use to replace
the moments felt in that embrace
as if the face would ever flush
like that again. 

Foolish, my friend. 

Power that bold
cannot be controlled
yet you are sold
solely to the notion
that this is a stain to wipe away.
I would like to say
but the obvious has the floor.
Slam and shut it out
but the keys that unlock the door
are only wishes away.
Stand still or get away.
That still won't change today
and the lust you dress as sorrow
will present itself tomorrow
fully furnished and adorned
in the tries and lies you've worn
to disconnect you from a want
that you pretend is not a need. 

Spilling of seeds
that don't hit the floor.
Shuffling of feet
that have left the shore
for the porch
and the doorbell.
You know Hell is full
of the pain you've put yourself through
in doubt of your desire
and even that fire
cannot consume the truth
that this fruit is only forbidden
for as long as it is hidden begrudgingly
so don't think that suddenly
is not forever.
Together we receive reprieve
in our deliberate relief
of a mutual struggle
where the tussle only serves
to fully ripen the nerves
around muscles erect and curved
ready to surge without atonement. 

Give me a moment.... 

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz

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