Monday, March 25, 2013



You may already know.
Maybe you can see me.
Privy to the nerve
of you sharing time reserved
exclusively for singularity.
Fancy me.
I bear witness.
Bear with me.
Lament with my desire
to observe your excavation.
Tools fashioned with the intent
to push past your extent.
Extensive stints before deep breaths.
I'm to wonder what is left.
Right hand clutching the mantle
as you ravage and dismantle.
You mangle as if entangled.
Lips clasp with every breach;
yet you continue to reach deep.
I sit and watch with every move.
You tug and yank;
probing in need of reprieve.
No doubt I should leave;
lest I implore your detection.
Your inflection piques my interest.
Can't see past you for days.
Legs emerging from their quilted maze
squirming beneath stained sheets.
They reach for the ceiling
in yearn of the skies.
They flail and flutter
in response to your cries.
I'm already hung
but you're not done yet.
Hair ringing wet.
You're nearly set.
Perspire in pleasure.
Your motivation measured
by what barely merits murmur.
How long I've hoped to circumvent
secrets that unlock your intent.
Is it I that you lust after?
Inquiry addressed by laughter
but I've serious all the same.
Yes. I hear my name;
but what features are envisioned?
I can't help but listen
as if the moment would change.


Your flowing night gown
is more short skirt than dress
given this current encounter.
Counter clockwise circulatory shifts
between the moist cherry
and her two swollen lips.
Tight grips follow finger slips
and I'm sure I've lost mine.
Knees bent to this cold pine
breathing hard behind this door
and you plunge in; asking for more.
You bypass moans for screams.
Lust so smooth and thick
flowing like an endless stream.
Freshest furnishing of cream.
I sit her stirring
while you lay in silence.
Violent the means of my intent;
but not nearly as terrible
as the abuse that you rile in.
Compiled with the fact
that the air we now share is thin
is my overlooking your inviting grin............
.....guess that means I can come in.

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz 

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