Wednesday, July 7, 2021



Too much.

Too fast.

This much won't last.

Not at this pace.

Need is a taste

but want is the whole platter

and a steady serving of the latter

is worth resting after

but we never really

ever get to that part.

We keep in mind

and still fall behind; 

losing from the start

trying to race with swollen hearts.

This pace is not healthy

but we implore what isn't helping.

So much.

So fast.

So high.

Do I even fear the crash

when we fly anymore?

Nah. Fuck that.

Let's gulp and guzzle

from that secret stash.

Let's make this last forever

(and ever)

(and ever)

You know that I love you

but I'm puzzled

by a scratched record

worn through with passion.

Were there not enough rations left over?

Which of us crept closer

to climb over the fence

for an extra glimpse

and failed to forewarn

about the depleting numbers?

Has unchecked gluttony

caused this subsequent hunger?

Are we really so starved at this juncture?

Do we nibble?

Should we fast?

Will so little truly last

these measurements so meager?

I mean, I'm still eager

so long as the heart is.

This part is the hardest

but we can scrape

and chip away at the day

and hold these pieces tight;

bound by hope that the night

might preserve portions so frail

before they can succumb

to this thick, haughty air

that slowly makes crumbs stale.

There was a thrumming pang

but we can numb the pain long enough

to keep it all together

and even when I'm fraying at the seams,

I'll still keep some tucked into the creases

so you can have a piece of my love.

(It's waiting for you.)

Just savor what is left.

It's still yours.

Devin Joseph Metz
