Friday, May 1, 2015

"4.7 Of 30: Miles"


Looks like I'm running in place
but I'm reaching tomorrow.
With the wind beating my face, ...
There's no room for the sorrow.
Newer portion of habits.
All but done with the sadness
but if you still need the package,
there should be some you can borrow.

Just be slow about
the way you bring it back to me.
The way things carry out,
even if there is tragedy
there is a choice of means.
Every slate you can't wipe clean.
The jungle looks obscene
but keep slashing towards the stream.

Your dreams are not
the fallacy you are taught.
Your dreams are in fact
that reality more than store bought
and hyped up
and full priced
and marked down for sale.
There is
no value
you must meet before you fail.

If expectation is frail,
then faith anchors your position
until hope pushes your sails
along on this expedition
so never believe the lies.
He who cries never tried
and if he did,
then I would bid
on the chance that he'd survive.

With your vision displaced,
you give up after chase
but instead of making haste
Or picking up the pace,

You just stand here
with no plans there
watching me run in place. 

You don't have to race to win.
You don't have to win the race.

~ Society Of Poets ~

 ~ 30 ~

Written By: Devin Joseph Metz

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